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    March 26, 2020

    Trust but verify

    Don’t risk your DEA license. The three keys to preventing employee theft of controlled drugs are evaluate, investigate and reiterate. Read More
    May 6, 2019

    Huffpost Article – Former DEA agent shares insight into solving America’s opioid epidemic

    Alongside New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, medical experts and former pro athletes, Jack Teitelman, was “honored” to participate in the inaugural Turn The Tide Summit... Read More
    May 6, 2019

    Civilized Article – Meet Jack Teitelman, the DEA Agent Turned Controlled Substance Fixer

    “We cannot arrest ourselves out of this epidemic.” The words come from former DEA Supervisory Special Agent, Jack Teitelman. Staring across the table with piercing blue eyes... Read More
    May 1, 2019

    American Animal Hospital Association – Former-DEA agent: Veterinary hospitals are “low-hanging fruit”

    The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has too much time on its hands. At least, that’s how it might seem to some veterinary professionals. Read More
    April 30, 2019

    American Animal Hospital Association – Are your controlled substance records DEA compliant?

    Recently, several hospitals in the West have been unsure about whether AAHA Controlled Substance Logs were in recordkeeping compliance with both DEA and state regulations. Read More
    February 26, 2018

    Today’s Veterinary Business – Dirty Little Secrets Article

    All individuals at some point are confronted with the Eighth Commandment: Thou shall not steal. According to the FBI, employee theft, or “shrinkage,” is the fastest-growing... Read More