Hefty civil fines are being levied against non-compliant individuals and businesses across the healthcare industry, including clinics and independent facilities. Inspections conducted by the DEA and state agencies are typically unannounced, and the current Federal fine per infraction is $15,691. But, it’s not uncommon for fines to exceed $1 million.

Most common violations cited by the DEA:


Lack of Physical Security

Registration Issues

Failure to Prevent Diversion

Poor Record-Keeping

It can happen to you.

Whether it’s a trusted employee, long-time client or even a relative, your facility is at risk for drug diversion. It’s imperative that you be prepared. Now is the time to investigate, identify, correct and strengthen your facility against the most common vulnerabilities you face today. Keeping up with changing standards, best practices, new requirements and growing threats are the most effective ways to protect your business. But failing to adapt to these new realities may not only cost you financially, it can also cause irreparable harm to your personal and professional reputation.

Don’t worry. We can help.

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